At a recent training workshop for people who intend to instruct movement classes for older adults, the course conductor told us that it took her years, as a 30+ year Qualified Exercise Professional to get off her high horse and begin to tell her clients that exercise is not a weight loss program. She admitted it took her a long time to be able to share this truth. I pondered. I admitted. In my day, I had used exercise for weight control. Indeed, I had. Eventually, I shared my admission on a facebook post to my friends. It generated some interest, and a few people even stopped me in town to discuss it. A friend who I play cards with had read my post. They were baffled. "When I was young, I ate lots and I ran, and I was as skinny as a rail. Now, I am gaining weight and I think I need to be more active." I kind of stumbled. This made sense. It was hard to argue the point, but I still believed my newly learned position about the re...