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Showing posts from 2019

A Yoga Celebration

Yoga presenters might offer Yin, or Flow, or traditions or relaxation.  Topic presenters might discuss the obvious, the confusing, the controversial or the interesting.  People who knew Pat Graham but didn't practice with her will of course, be welcome.  People interested in yoga, who have never practiced will be welcome.  It will be a day of kindness, memories and good will.  Save the date. A detailed program of the day is in development.  All, every, each - so,so welcome. Free.


A chair is as beautiful as a dance bar. We can poise and have pose. We can stretch and take breath. Inhale. Exhale. Up and fold. The lovely thing about Yandara Flow is that the vinyasa, to plank, chaturanga down, baby cobra up and downward facing dog are optional.  So the whole flow can be done, with breath, without going down to the floor.  So use a dance bar, uhm, I mean, a chair. A bit of a warm up. A chair to flow the Yaranda with. And a bit of a cool down. It is a great option.