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Showing posts from 2018

Practice what you Teach

Do we sit in front of the small blue screen and scroll and click social media at the same time we binge watch a series of actors portraying comedic and dramatic scenarios that capture us? Do we read our electronic devices in the bath while listening to current folk or jazz radio? Do we buy healthy food for our larders after downing a quicky snack or fast food? I do. I fight with my self and keep the  wellness of my journey of life in the margins. Even learning has dropped into a box of social identity.  But sometimes the dovetail toward simple good living can  happen. And here it is. Better Call Nel! So, yes.  I am bingeing, Better Call Saul .  And Yes.  I am scrolling through my Facebook and Instagram, but my curiosity is piqued!  THIS MONTREAL GAZETTE STORY comes up and I click on it.  It arrived at the exact time that Jimmy decided to (spoiler alert) start selling TV ads. Naturally, I clicked on the Gazette story because...

The Corollary of Wellness

At a recent training workshop for people who intend to instruct movement classes for older adults, the course conductor told us that it took her years, as a 30+ year Qualified Exercise Professional to get off her high horse and begin to tell her clients that exercise is not a weight loss program.  She admitted it took her a long time to be able to share this truth. I pondered.  I admitted.  In my day, I had used exercise for weight control.  Indeed, I had. Eventually, I shared my admission on a facebook post to my friends. It generated some interest, and a few people even stopped me in town to discuss it. A friend who I play cards with had read my post.  They were baffled. "When I was young, I ate lots and I ran, and I was as skinny as a rail.  Now, I am gaining weight and I think I need to be more active." I kind of stumbled.  This made sense.  It was hard to argue the point, but I still believed my newly learned position about the re...

While I breathe

Dum Spiro Spero - while I breath I hope, I live, I move.  This is my Clan Motto, so it is only natural that I am drawn and dedicated to the beauty of of our breath. Many clans and other historical characters have also sensibly adopted the motto .  Our breath is our first and final possession. And nothing is closer to breath than movement.  It pulls the wasted CO2 from the depths of our extremities and flushes it through the lungs and away, so our splendid O2 can enliven our way, our fingers, our limbs, our organs, our brain.  Yes, the heart is the pump, but the lungs capture the miraculous  molecules and release them to our body, the ultimate nutrient. Recently, I studied the practice of movement for people with compromised lungs.  It is an absolute truth that movement is beneficial for everyone, even people who must carry their O2 with them, or who only have a portion of their lungs, working on their behalf, as they breathe and live. Fear can impe...

Put Off Stepping on the Mat

They don't realize that procrastination is actually a manifestation of being unable to regulate emotions and accurately predict how we will feel tomorrow, or the next day. It is self-sabbotage, in disguise. ( )  The longer we go in our day without eating our first yoga pose, the more likely we are to miss it.  SavvyZen has suggestions about how to get out of the procrastination cycle.  10 suggestions, in fact.  even, to do "fast yoga" if nothing else is working!   Not knowing where to start, or not knowing how to start yoga can offer enough challenge to make anyone hesitant so JynNefer Maat-Brice wrote a primer blog about what to expect in pretty much any yoga class , so there are no surprises.  It also can help us to choose a style, if we live in an area where choice is possible. royalty-free vector - The Psychology Today writer says when individuals have an incomplete plan uncertainty stops people in their tracks....

Say it On The Mat

generosity - I've never been a trend follower. But, yoga is not a trend.  It is a movement.  It is a healthy tsunami that is crossing oceans, land masses, and cultures. Purists, and early adapters may struggle with chagrin, which is very anti-yogic, when they read about Wine Yoga, and Goat Yoga, but the more Zen the practitioner, the better the understanding that it doesn't matter. Yoga for fitness simply works.  Simply, for anyone.  Yes, any age, any gender, any fitness status. gratitude forgiveness joy  For some, it is hard to break the barrier into yoga, principally because, indeed, it is more than just exercise for fitness.  Truthfully, while it is most visible, physical well being is a fringe (well, okay, pretty important) benefit that is often the nugget of attraction to stepping onto the mat.  But it is not the only one.  Some come to reduce anxiety and find calm.  Some come for socializ...